Friday, December 11, 2009

Restaurant Review: Woodberry Kitchen (take 2)

The second time we went to Woodberry was for Sunday brunch. Our previous savory meal was immediately complemented by this sweet array of breakfast delicacies.
Ricotta pancakes with cybee honey, and pear crepes with Grand Marnier and fresh vanilla whipped cream. Freshly brewed, french-press coffee (one full french press allows you two full cups of bold brew) and buttery cranberry scones.

Salman's taste is more favorable of savory foods. However, I was in heaven with the sweet breakfast spread we had before us. The crepes were extremely light and fluffy, making it that much easier to consume every bite that was on my plate. The ricotta pancakes, however, were much more heavy, and it took both of our powers combined to finish them.

Side story: When we first walked in to take our seat, a blonde haired, blue eyed middle-aged man sitting in the corner booth with a likewise attractive woman immediately caught my eye. As Salman and I sat down, I motioned behind us and said, "Who is that? He looks familiar." Salman's face suddenly dropped and said, "Oh my God, that's Cal Ripkin." Sure enough, Mr. Ripkin and his wife were sitting in the same booth we had occupied on our first trip there. Despite the hype, his star-presence was short-lived for the both of us: after receiving his check, which couldn't have been less than $90-$100 with the amount of morning cocktails and meat that they had purchased, Mr. Ripkin left a measly $10 tip.

His waitress also just happened to be ours as well, and needless to say, we tipped her a bit extra to make up for the baseball player's foul.

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